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Radnor Range
Boosting reach among key stakeholders

Radnor Range, a firing range situated in Wales, was selected as the Prime contractor and host for a collaborative project between government and industry, tasked to redefine autonomous Test and Evaluation (T&E) for modern defence requirements.
Radnor Range required PR and comms support to boost its reach amongst its stakeholders, and to produce a range of content that showcased both Radnor’s live fire and synthetic capabilities.
We used our experienced team and knowledge of MOD communications processes to coordinate communications activities between the numerous collaboration partners. By doing this, we were able to curate compelling content that highlighted how Radnor’s capabilities positively impacted the results of the T&E project and showcased the many organisations involved
With a focus on MOD and industry audiences, we utilised LinkedIn and worked closely with Radnor’s customer to share the many successes of the project.
Radnor’s LinkedIn page has seen an exponential increase in reach since we began:
· Followers increased by 167%.
· Posts received an average engagement rate of 6.75%, 2–3% higher than what is considered a traditionally ‘good’ engagement rate for posts on LinkedIn.
· There has been an increase in comments and reactions of over 500% in four months.
Here’s an example of a post that was shared through the end customer’s social media accounts and received over 120 likes and dozens of comments and reposts.