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Dstl - Bright Corvus
Communicating emerging tech to front-line users

Bright Corvus, a high-profile research and development programme being undertaken by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), needed to increase engagement and support from the project’s stakeholders. These include military users of the next-generation technology in the Front Line Commands and the partners they need to work with them in developing it, such as fellow colleagues, academia and industry.
Our first step was to extract the technical details from the experts in each area. We quickly understood the potential use cases and applied them to our knowledge of the operational environment. Next, we developed a series of 3D concept stills and a 3D animation to show the potential application of this highly complex technology in a battlefield context.
Using 3D animation allowed for greater realism and ensured that stakeholders could more easily visualise the full potential of future systems. Applying advanced radio frequency technologies in distributed systems enabled the delivery of disruptive surveillance, protection and navigation solutions.
These highly realistic 3D concepts have been implemented in core stakeholder briefings, while the animation has already been put to use at the first Bright Corvus annual conference, as well as at the media release of the Defence Command Paper Refresh in July 2023. The visuals have allowed the project to make a real impact at both events, gaining traction with all their stakeholders but particularly MPs and senior military personnel. The customer is delighted with the result and Canny’s approach – producing a high-quality animation within an incredibly short timescale to meet their deadlines.