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Why your revolutionary defence tech won't change the world...

...unless you learn to talk about it

Last updated: March 2025

The team in front of a screen with a CGI animated drone on it showing the TB2 DROPS system

The team in front of a screen with a CGI animated drone on it showing the TB2 DROPS system

By Lindsay Compton, CEO, Canny Comms 

Let's start with a truth universally acknowledged in defence innovation circles: A revolutionary technology in possession of poor communications must be in want of attention. 

The £400 million question 

As part of a £2.2bn addition to the defence budget, Chancellor Rachel Reeves just announced a £400 million investment in defence tech, pledging to reform our "broken defence procurement system" and make it "quicker, more agile and more streamlined."  

For innovative SMEs, this should be cause for celebration; there are positive signs regarding the need to improve engagement between SMEs, MOD and prime contractors. 

But here's the inconvenient truth—having brilliant technology isn't enough. And never has been. 

The invisible innovation paradox 

This paradox affects everyone in the defence ecosystem. Whether you're a startup trying to break into the sector, a prime contractor with new capabilities, or indeed the MOD and its agencies trying to communicate your own innovation programmes — you've spent years perfecting technology that could transform battlefield capabilities, save lives and deliver strategic advantage. Yet somehow, the most brilliant innovations often remain on the lab bench. 

Your technology might be invisible by design (we're looking at you, stealth capabilities), but your company and its value proposition shouldn't be. 

Consider the case of Advanced Material Development (AMD), a nanotechnology firm that was creating extraordinary materials but struggling to communicate their defence applications. After implementing a focused communications strategy for DSEI in 2021, it formed over 100 new relationships across industry, government and academia, secured a DASA contract worth approximately £400k, and added £8 million to its company valuation. 

The technology was evolving, but crucially, so was the conversation around it—and that made all the difference. 

The three deadly sins of tech communication 

We've observed a curious phenomenon across the defence tech landscape, affecting both industry innovators and government/military organisations alike: 

  1. The curse of knowledge 

You understand your technology so thoroughly that you've forgotten what it's like not to understand it. You explain your breakthrough using acronyms that mean nothing to your audience, and technical language that obscures rather than illuminates.  

TB2 Aerospace had this challenge with their drone recharging operational payload system. Their solution wasn't more technical specifications—it was crafting visual narratives through 3D animations that showed real-world military applications, helping stakeholders immediately grasp its potential. 

  1. The solutionism trap 

You're so focused on your clever solution that you're not properly articulating the problem it solves. "We've built an AI-powered quantum widget!" Great. What operational problem does it address? How does it fit into existing capability frameworks? 

Radnor Range, selected as the Prime contractor for a collaborative autonomous Test and Evaluation project, faced this exact challenge. Rather than simply promote the range and its integrated facilities , it needed to demonstrate how these capabilities positively impacted the speed and quality of test and evaluation. A coordinated communications approach that focused on real outcomes rather than technical features led to a 167% increase in followers and engagement rates 2-3% higher than industry standards. 

  1. The context vacuum 

Your technology doesn't exist in isolation. It operates within complex defence ecosystems, doctrines, and capability development roadmaps. Without context, even the most impressive technology can appear irrelevant. 

The Land ISTAR programme faced this exact challenge. A tailored communications strategy built on stakeholder interviews is transforming how the programme is perceived and understood. 

The communications multiplier effect 

The right communications approach can multiply the perceived value of your technology without changing a single line of code or component. 

Industry example 

Sibylline transformed their rather dry global risk register into a rather splendid interactive 3D globe that visualised risks around the world. The information remained the same, but the experience became transformative, driving record attendance at their Annual Forecast event. 

MOD examples 

It's not just industry that benefits from this multiplier effect. The MOD and its agencies face the same challenges when communicating their own innovations: 

  • Bright Corvus, a high-profile R&D programme at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), achieved similar results. Taking time to visualise and communicate the potential battlefield applications of complex radio frequency technologies, it gained significant traction with MPs and senior military personnel at critical events. 


  • Project ZODIAC succeeded by creating a coordinated communications approach that included striking graphics and targeted materials. This comprehensive approach raised the profile and built understanding of the project amongst both military and industry stakeholders. 

Your technology deserves better 

With defence spending set to increase to 2.5% of GDP by 2027, we're looking at billions of pounds flowing into capability development and – strategically - the war in Ukraine has illustrated  both the power of disruptive technologies and the speed at which they can be brough to the front line. But there's a translation gap between innovative technology and defence procurement that swallows promising innovations whole. 

Whether you're in industry or the public sector, your technology represents years of innovation, testing, and refinement. It deserves to be understood—not just by technical peers who already speak your language, but by the people who make acquisition decisions, approve budgets, and determine which technologies make it into the hands of those who need them most. 

Your technology might just change the world. Make sure you're talking about it in a way that gives it the chance. 



Canny specialises in communicating technology and innovation for defence and security. Our team combines expertise in communications and marketing with deep technical knowledge, helping innovative organisations navigate the defence landscape and achieve their goals. 

Want to discuss how your defence innovation can break through? The team stands ready to help.

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